Login and Register to Vinalhaven Telephone Directory

The phone number is generally a unique identifier of you, your family, or household. This way, you only have to register once (and share the login information) for everyone who uses this number.

Registering under this common number still allows every member to list additional information and phone numbers under his or her name.

Also, the phone number may typically be one of the 863, 867, or 366 regional numbers in 207 area code. However, it may also be a different or out-of-state number. For households or people who only carry mobile phone (specifically seasonal islanders), these may be listed as the primary "home phone" number.

Please note that all phone numbers are displayed in the standard 10-digit form "(123) 456-7890". You may input the number in any other form with or without spaces and minus characters. Furthermore, if your phone number is in the 207 area code you only need to type the remaining 7 digits.

- Your login name is your primary phone number (7 or 10 digits)

In order to view the complete listing details, and if you want to update and manage your address entry, you need to register.

You register with your home (or primary) phone number.
Only phone numbers with local area prefixes (863, 867, and 366) will be accepted. In case you do not have a home phone with these numbers, if you use a smartphone, for instance, you may send us a request for an exception in order to be whitelisted.

Your primary (home) phone number will be used as your login ID.
We also require email address and name for security reasons. (The email you provide for registration stays private. If you want your email to be published, you may add an email address later to your listing.)

Registration is needed per primary (home) phone number. In many cases, multiple persons (or businesses) share the same home phone number. In these instances, only one registration is needed.

There are also several cases where one person has multiple phone numbers listed. Since we allow for multiple phone numbers and secondary (off-season) address, you may either consolidate these entries under a single registered primary phone number or register a separate account for this other phone number.